Fresh Floral Bouquet Subscription
Our Floral Bouquet is made of fresh seasonal flowers delivered to your door weekly or monthly. The first order will include a jar, but subsequent deliveries we'll be delivered in a bouquet.
Floral Bouquet Subscriptions are also amazing gifts for friends, families, or colleagues. Or give us all important dates and we'll handle the rest. Happines on repeat.
Simply pick your size, frequency and day of delivery. And we'll handle the rest.
With Fresh Boquets Subscription, you will receive the custom bouquet made of fresh seasonal flowers.
Subscriptions are only available for Edmonton and surrounding areas. Delivery is free with subscription.
Your flower delivery will arrive at your chosen frequency to the address of your choice, making it easier than ever to enjoy them in your home, office, or to delight a loved one.
Subscriptions are non-refundable and you can cancel any time.